
No revelations
we never see the
calf become a bull.


He kept on writing
with a rhyming stop
a small dark piece
reads like a gumdrop
all blood and guts
drugs and death
reads all twee in
sing song breath
no matter where
the poems dredge
they always lose
their cutting edge
the needle hits
the ripping bomb
just sounds like
a skipping song.


Fuck the pain
and fuck the
fuck the ache
and fuck the
in time.
Fuck regret,
peal the drum,
her heart is
climbing back.


I watched a wasp at the window, exploring the frame, she sought the edge of this unseen blockade. Dusted webs vaulted the corners, rounded the sharpness. A tiny spider rushed out, displaying unfathomable courage. Could you imagine greeting a two story yellow and black demonic wasp? The spider swiftly retreated when he realised his mistake. Ironically, I caught the wasp in a spider trap, to carry her outside. All her anger evaporated on the spring breeze.


The victim finally lashed out and the bully jumped back in shock, the bully ran to the principal, calling madness, strange and wrong. And the principal only marginalised the victim more, handing his stick to the bully.


Whitey on
the moon
in the shadow
to plunder
as they lit
the lamps
the dark side
lost it’s wonder.


So salubrious
the hyperbole
it looked so
true to a fool
He flourished
his ignorance


I heard a tin contraption roll past, it’s generator puffing fumes. Then another and another, each boiling it’s cup of oil, each sieving it’s gasoline, to roll a little further. I couldn’t hear the birds and I couldn’t hear the stream, I just heard another tin box turning oil into a chuffing drone. Suddenly it seemed ridiculous.


It’s not now, it’s then,
you just missed it again.

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