
I can smell Monday, it’s noxious stench is seeping into Sunday. I try to ignore it and feign enjoying the last beams of Sunday’s light, I try to capture the song that Sunday’s freedom sings. To hold it in my soul. Yet my nostrils are burning, I cannot bear to dwell in Monday’s foul fetid shadow.


One is the rounding up of none, and two is a tidy some. three is how they numbered more, thus counting was made to shave off reality’s imperfect burrs.


Some folks know what humanity is, others too, know exactly what humanity is. All our thoughts are absolute, yet not the same. There is the murder in our difference that contains our disease. As soon as we find peace, we will consume it all.


In the corner of my eye, I thought he was still there, a twinkle in the periphery. I turned and looked into a chasm, the nothing he left behind, and it drew me towards it, I felt the vertigo at the edge of this emptiness, where I wanted to trip, to follow him through.


Discussing philosophy
seeking out a remedy
discovering the comedy.


Are you pushing back Death like he wasn’t a friend?
Rush up and be held in his arms, why not?
He has embraced us all.


drink the smoke
and see the music.

The Greatest


I read him and I began nodding in agreement, then I nodded some more. I established what I thought a connection. I continued to nod inanely at what I would have formally call wrong. In time the enchantment lifted and I looked at all that I had agreed upon, all that I cannot apologise for, all that I must stand by in the uncomfortable fiction of what I had become.


People give loneliness such a negative connotation,
as if loneliness were an absence of other,
rather than a presence of self, a self wondering;
“Where the fuck is everybody?”



We had only just met, but the quiet pauses had already become comfortable to sit in. She wore a pink pullover with an exaggerated turtle neck, flared jeans, her bare grubby feet crossed at the ankles conducting a waltz on the arm, as she draped comfortably feline along the sofa. I sat in a once plush arm chair, staring upwards, looking for shapes in the cigarette stained ceiling. She broke the silence saying ‘This reminds me of my time in Rome..’ This sounds romantic, until you go to Rome. ‘..when we would do nothing during the day but waste with my shift mates in the apartment over the kitchen. We would smoke weak weed and tell stories.’
I took my eye from what looked like a deer, a running deer stain on the ceiling to turn to her asking, ‘Such as?’
‘I remember one boy, new and susceptible, he would tell stories we presumed were bullshit, he said he once had fast cars and a big house, he said it as if he had lived the life, though he can’t have been more than eighteen. He said he had a father who lavished he and his sister with whatever they wished for, but divorce pulled the rug from everyone. He never regretted this loss as far as we could see, even saying “I haven’t got any ambition, I lost all I could have ever wanted, and I don’t even miss it.”
The daylight dimming would perversely wake them from their stupor, their feet would drum the changing of shifts upon the stairs. Sacks of food would pass under knives, ambition visiting all but one in the kitchen, dreaming of a time when the clock would not nag. One enormous soul watches over the broth, he dreams that he is looking across a vast jade lake. the far distant shore rising in pines to a rock peak splitting the sky. He can hear the buzzards calling and the lake gently rippling by his feet. He can smell chicken broth.
In the corner a slight woman automated, sliced carrots as uniform as dimes. She listens to a lost friend’s laugh, a reminiscence of flickering fluorescent lights over cubicled hatchlings pecking at social boundaries. He was foolish and unreliable, but would shatter monotony in laughter. The laughter faded in the recoiling of every daydream, as the deer ran across the ceiling.



the gems
I coveted
the dust.


The Greatest

The greatest is not an accumulator of points, the greatest is an artist describing an arc that tends the witness’s heart. Irrespective of the total sum, the greatest is sung by our glorifying soul.


Tread water

Lets just keep treading water and bubble of how shoddy that raft looks.

Hello and welcome to words

Story 1

The man of steel sat chained in a chair, while frustration circled him. Two massive men wearing straining suits, which heaved upon waves of muscle. These men were not used to victims ignoring their violent tirades. A small wiry man, the wiry are the most vindictive of all bad guys, took a pair of pliers from a large bloodied bench and approached the captive. The twisted demon took one of superman’s delicate little pinkies in the plier’s jaws and with all his might clamped down upon the pink flesh. The pliers screeched against infinity.
Superman wondered of the motives of these men, he knew these men were dangerous to someone, and while these men were here, someone was perfectly safe. Superman stood up. Startling the hoods, who jumped backwards. His iron bindings fell away like silk, he walked to the wall and scooped out a brick with his finger, then another and another, till the sun poured in through the hole, framing a view of the desert. Then Superman turned and sat back down in the chair. He closed his eyes and let the sun-rays play upon his face.
He has so many times halted evil thoughts and deeds, yet like weeds, another pops up as swiftly as one is snuffed. Superman is finding his invincibility to be as blunt as any mortal man. He has been to the top to quash crime’s king, and he has swept clean the budding lackeys. He has taken all means of mass destruction away from petulant boys, like taking a catapult from a child in the playground.
The sun, warm and consistent, the earth, blooming naive hope, perhaps peace was never intended to be the natural course of this land. So in a flicker of flight, The man of steel left men to their violence.


The thing is, detachment is the key
Unless you are a keyring,
Then attachment to the key is the thing.


Musicians make noises with noise machines. Sometimes folks listening to the noises nod sagely, or they might get up and move in odd ways, like they have some sort of cerebral frailty. Noises can make people maudlin, which ironically comforts them. A musician in confident mood might record the noises they make, so folks can go purchase their noise. If musicians are lucky enough, their noises can become their income. These musicians are blessed to think only about what their next noise might be, interspersed with sex with folks who really like their noise. Sometimes sex and noise isn’t enough, and they get sad. We mourn the sad noise makers. Cheers to noise, but hail to silence, the pillow where I rest.


You are what you eat
you are where you weep
you are what your heart
chooses to keep.


Story 2

Sly greed came with a scheme to gain riches from nothing, and there was vanity, The Emperor’s new clothes. They came to clothe The Emperor in a dream, the finest silk they claimed, so fine it cannot be felt, such magnificent weaving, only the foolish would deny it’s sight. At the presentation The Emperor agreed at how splendidly his new clothing shone, his pomposity claimed how beautiful the weave, his conceit claimed such infinite comfort.
“Tell the people of my beauty, tell them how they should look in awe, tell them these clothes are dazzling, tell them how blessed they would be to witness them.”
The sparkling soldiers marched and the shining horses trotted, the band blew triumphantly, all pomp was fluffed for The Emperor’s pride. He waved, beckoning the people to cheer, and they did so, they whooped and they hollered, they clapped and they cheered, despite the pale sagging nakedness, despite the chill withering cock. But one youth looked around confused, he looked at the Emperor and gazed aghast at the crowd, he scowled a serious face, then he pointed an accusatory finger and said “Why are you cheering? When he has no clothes at all!”
First the people pretended they did not hear the child, but the child continued to state the facts, so what else could they do, the people began to laugh. They laughed and they pointed, jeering at the boy, they belittled the child, they mocked his view. So invested in the lie were they, their only way forward was to burn the truth down to a stump.


Sun you have never known what day is
as you have never known the night
please wish us all happy birthday
you see us always in your light.

Love Daily

How many candles on a valentine cake, one for each kiss? The cake is invisible, as is the card, the chocolates sit uneaten in the store. Hallmark has her teeth in my arm, but I spend my heart every day to when, where and often.



So he sat down and immediately
gathered a crowd around him.
He alway does that, without doing
or saying anything, his charismatic
perfume enchants the room. He asked
if anyone present enjoys magic tricks,
his sparkling eyes danced among the
audience, and those eyes lit up
in reciprocation. He said he knew an
excellent trick involving a sandwich,
he asked “Could someone make a sandwich?”
They watched with interest as he took
the sandwich, and he ate it.



The world is bubbling over with the frothing masses of humanity, each day there are more of us people cluttering the Earth than ever before. And then it came to me last night, Death’s antiquated methods are hampering his efficiency, Death is still using a scythe to reap one soul at a time, Death needs to change with our increased profusion, Death needs to accept mechanisation, he must acquire a combine-harvester, fire up the engine, to deal with these multiplying numbers, to halt this disease we call mankind.



The old man scrabbled up the bank in clumsy anger, pursuing the offending youth, his head told him of strength and his ferocious power, his body withered with time. He slipped and he stumbled, yet anger’s determination kept him topped up in adrenaline. Youth leapt up the hill, rebounding from the earth like rubber, the kid laughed at the old man, red and panting with rage. If he could only catch them, if only they tripped just once. Eventually the kid lost his humour and beat the living crap out of the old man. Sadly another victory for audacity over wisdom.


Boiling Frog

If it stung more
when we were burning
we might scream in anguish
yet we are tickled to coal.



The buzzard’s robust flight circles upwards strobing the sunlight on the field, still rising upon heat’s ladder. While the kite quivers and twists, passing through elegance and gracelessness, pulling at wing’s strings and spars, puppeting mass in frailty. When the wind hits just right the red grace takes the breath. And don’t the raptors know their majesty as they call.


The house is speaking again, pipes and limbs, walls and cavities mimic a throat, forming words and sentences we cannot interpret as anything more than an attempt at communication. The chattering will continue till they stumble upon language, or we discover the vocabulary of the void.



Do you ever stare into a paused television picture, do you ever fall hypnotised into seeing ripples in the still water, a motion and depth coalescing, so here is gone and there is real. Then you blink and the picture is again still.



In the comforting cocoon of darkness I dream; Through the vague mist of a previous night’s musing, a silver ship sails the sky. Oars sweep the air, a dragon looms above me. An apparition slides down a gilded rope, through the prevailing macabre he exudes wisdom. His face is as familiar and distant as the moon, I can feel his breath on my face as he speaks to me; “I come with a blessing for you, to tell you of the nearing pivotal moment, when you must..”*_*,’~-_… grumble.. snort..

“Hey wake up, look! There’s a squirrel!”



Hypnagogic logic
maintenance of
the drowsy tribes
Seeping soporific
numb and placid
robotically alive.



Saying sorry is cowardice to hate. Without apology, there is no fault and no guilt, an aggressive fiction to reside in, disdainful of all satellite of truth.


Still Waiting

At a certain point the unusual gets old, unique looks tired, the whole crooked circus so plain and banal, the ordinary is sought out with joy. So Waits discards the wheel drum trash dump sousaphone and tickles on his old friend soft and loud.

Improving Perfection

Our effort is going into manufacturing a fruit better than nature’s fruit, we are working to create water fresher than water, distilled from fresh death and vinyl sunlight. Building a more potent bee for sterile flowers. In time each one of nature’s miracles will be replicated in such high fidelity, we will not know the difference between medicine and poison.



A future Cadillac has silicon flies in it’s grill, robotic roadkill crunches beneath electric wheels. Charge the skies to power rain, cloning water for the drain. The iron trees drop rusted leaves, the Cadillac rides paths predicted while the driver is asleep.



She is frozen-over
as the lake
that she looked upon,
at her heart’s
ice in place of
fond recollection,
all that time has done
the thaw will never come.



are the fork
in your
to not burst
across the



Extreme provocation
incites extreme reaction.
The median bawls dissent
into the polar exchange
they know nothing about.



If we worshiped Science,
second only to the greater God Money.
We can forget love and nature exists.
Just as long as all our experimental
repercussions are made profitable,
great God is sated.



Isn’t it ironic how twisted the straight are.


Plastic Heaven

Canonical begging
to the saintly fraud
that a plastic heaven
might give real reward.

Forces Of Nature

Forces of nature, extreme weather and disaster, quakes and tornados, registered as precursors to some awakening, some change, an amplified junction in time and space, new creation to bloom, new brush strokes to paint on all senses of canvas. From the ashes, the seeds are fed.



The morning
is raining light
sip from the earth
parched by night.


Finger Butter

The jar fell in the store, a finger failure, there was nothing I could do. The descent was unseen though witnessed, so swift. I instinctively go to pick it up, I am rewarded in blood as tiny slivers slit my crepe skin. A moment’s contact has my hand glitter with glass. Like seeing one ant, I itch imagining tiny teeth shredding my frail flesh into ribbons in a bloody broth.



The more
they taught
maths at school
the better
I became
at pool.



Why not pay to listen, as much as you pay to chew?



Art’s time
is worth
more than
a suit’s time.
Who told you art
was worthless?