
The dispute was going well, reason had taken the upper hand, until the devil’s advocate walked in. He commenced to tirelessly plead the case until finally sense was lost, as the devil’s advocate won another argument he didn’t believe in.


I once would worship, an angel of flesh and thought, till she let one vicious line slip her lip, so cruel it fell incendiary upon my world. It charred her feathers, blew her wings away, this bright heart was black all this time? She still calls her siren song, but I dim the lamp and stay here on the shore.


Why do they slither down there? Nought to do but whisper fallen gossip. Edit one rumour for each ear. Do they really believe we are the only ones their tongue does not lash? The gossip voiced to all but where it should be heard, to the face of rumour’s punchline. Healing to those who suffer in rumour, Stiletto heels for the slithering gossip.


Dave was in his car queuing to get into town, he noticed a car to his left waiting at a junction, he didn’t let him. Winning.


The BBC have always been so fucking prissy, while still maintaining the tyrannical fist of England. Such a genteel façade on the brutal bone. A blueprint to carry to the colonies.


He is fond of the moss but not the damp, he likes the dirt but not the degradation. He enjoys the frayed edges but won’t let them touch the ground. He loves all of poor’s fashion from an opulent anschauung.


The grass is so green for me I can barely look at it, so brightly lush it shines upon my blessed life, so I was told. It’s interesting how perception taints our view, even facts and numbers. How athletic the black man, how rich the Asian. The exception suffers among the rule.

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